Benefits of Career Counseling

We get checkups for our health, our cars, and our appliances, why not also for our career?

A "Career" is more than just work, it is the way you blend your strengths, passions, values, and interests into your days and years. It's how you balance all the things that are important in your life. Ideally, your work will be personally satisfying, pay you a decent wage, engage you, and provide time flexibility for your life outside of the job.

Most people think they can muscle through and figure things out on their own. And most of us are so busy navigating the rhythms of daily life and making a living that we lose sight of how to live. You can gain balance in your life by connecting with an experienced career counselor who will help you identify and examine professional options that will facilitate you reaching short and long term goals. There are many factors that go into career satisfaction, including understanding industries, employment trends, and how *you,* with your unique set of skills, values, interests, and abilities will find a satisfying work "fit;" that is why it is important for an experienced professional to assist you in clarifying your goals and plans.

As a result of a Career Wellness Checkup or career counseling, you will have data to understand which roles, environments, and tasks are the best fit; allowing you to clarify goals and confirm or discover the next steps to take professionally.

Individuals fall into one or more of these phases when seeking career guidance services:


Assessment: What are my strengths? Clarifying your skills, abilities, interests, values, personal style

Exploration: What’s out there? Learn more about options. 

Design: What do I really want to be doing? Based on reflection and research, set realistic goals based on self-assessment & exploration

Focus: How do I make it happen? Work on implementation of the design - use the clarity you are developing to target positions that will meet your requirements 

Evaluation: Is this working? Reflection. Feedback and input from others. What has been working well in this process? What needs to be tweaked? 

Continuous Commitment: Keep going! When you sort out one piece, what’s next? 

This work can be very challenging. Recognize: 

Thoughts -> Emotions -> Actions -> Results

Career counseling helps you make decisions about your future with more confidence.

Outcomes of career counseling for professionals:

  1. An understanding of what other options are out there professionally 

  2. Best practices for your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIN profile

  3. Ideas and strategies for your job search - understand how to connect with others and build your professional network in an authentic way that you enjoy 

  4. Practice interviewing for a position you really want

  5. Navigate challenging tasks and situations - enjoy more satisfying days by making concrete adjustments based on your unique strengths and needs. 

Outcomes for career counseling for students:

  1. Selecting majors / career fields with confidence 

  2. Understanding your strengths and how to apply them to life

  3. Maximizing your studying based on your learning style

  4. Identifying educational settings that will bring out your best

  5. Understanding the relationships between the roles, environments, and tasks that will be the best fit as you make career decisions

Career counseling helps save you time, energy, and money by helping you clarify what you want professionally and move confidently in a direction you know you will find satisfying. 


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